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What to Do When Your Insurance Company Drops You Due to an Old Roof

October , 2023 | 14 min. read

By Nicole Corson

insurance agent sitting at a table with a model brick home

Did you receive a letter from your insurance company saying they will cancel your policy because your roof is old?

Or maybe your agent called with discouraging news that made you worried about the security of your home? No matter how you hear the news, it's definitely stressful. It's hard to know what to do next.

We understand your worries.

Your peace of mind matters to us at RoofCrafters. Over the past 30 years, we've gained a lot of knowledge in the roofing industry. We've also supported many homeowners, like you, during difficult times. Over the 3 decades, we have seen the industry's shifts, understood its nuances, and learned to adapt to its ever-evolving challenges. By doing this, we have created trust and a strong reputation by protecting and informing homeowners. Now we want to help you.

Strong Connection between Chrome Carabiner and two Red Ropes Symbolising the Insurance_ Selective Focus_

In this guide, our aim is to arm you with the knowledge and tools you need to weather this storm. Together, we'll explore:

  • Immediate Steps to Take After Receiving the Notice
  • Unraveling the Intricacies of Roofing Insurance Policies
  • Evaluating Your Current Roof and Understanding Replacement Needs
  • Sourcing Alternative Insurance and Understanding Your Coverage
  • The Roof Replacement Process: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Put on your seatbelt. We're starting a journey. We'll turn a difficult challenge into a manageable path and keep you safe. And hopefully, by the end, you'll have all the information you need to make a well-informed decision.

Let's jump right in.

Immediate Steps to Take After Receiving the Notice


Receiving a cancellation notice from your insurance company due to an old roof can send waves of panic through any homeowner. It's a situation that demands quick and prudent action, but don’t worry, there's a clear path forward! The first thing to remember is to keep calm and approach the situation with a clear mind.

written insurance policy

To handle this unexpected problem, use a practical, step-by-step plan that focuses on finding solutions. To make sure you're going the right way and not forgetting anything important, let's go through the immediate actions you should take.


1. Contact Your Insurance Company:

    • Seek a clear explanation and specifics about the cancellation.
    • Inquire about possible remedies or grace periods for replacing the roof.


2. Review Your Insurance Policy:

    • Understand the terms, conditions, and any relevant clauses.
    • Check for any provisions related to roof age and replacements.


3. Document Your Roof’s Condition:

    • Take clear photos of your roof from various angles.
    • If available, gather any previous inspection reports or repair bills.


4. Get a Professional Roof Inspection:

    • Hire a certified roofer to check the condition of your roof.
    • Get a detailed inspection report which can also be useful for future reference.


5. Collect Roof Replacement Estimates:

    • Contact 2 to 3 roofing contractors to get quotes on roof replacement.
    • Ensure estimates are detailed, including materials, warranties, and timelines.


6. Explore Alternative Insurance Options:

    • Start looking for other insurance providers and get quotes.
    • Compare coverages and premiums to determine your best fit.


7. Communicate with Your Mortgage Lender:

    • Inform them about the situation since insurance is often tied to mortgage agreements.
    • They might have advice or requirements for moving forward.


Keep in mind, that time is important. Decisions made with thought and information are better than rushed, panicked ones. In the next sections, we will explore each step in more detail. We'll give you helpful advice on navigating this unexpected journey. So, let's dive deeper and navigate through these waves together!

Unraveling the Intricacies of Roofing Insurance Policies


Understanding insurance policies, especially for roofing, can be a complicated task. It's important to understand why cancellations happen, especially due to your roof's condition. Let’s dissect the pivotal aspects that weave into the decision-making process of insurance companies:

Liability and Risk


Insurance companies operate on calculating and mitigating risks. An old roof is more likely to be damaged by storms, hurricanes, or regular wear and tear. If your roof gets damaged in a storm, the insurance company may need to replace it. They may also have to fix any water damage, damaged belongings, or injury claims. These things can result in significant payouts.

Condition and Lifespan of the Roof


 The age and material of a roof significantly influence its efficacy. Various materials like asphalt shingles, metal, or tiles have different lifespans and wear out at different rates. Insurers are concerned about old or damaged roofs because they expect expensive claims.

Location and Weather Patterns


If you live in an area with bad weather like hurricanes, heavy rain, or storms, your roof goes through tougher conditions. These circumstances elevate the risk of damage and, so, future insurance claims.

Claim History


If a homeowner has a history of making many claims, particularly related to the roof, insurers may see this as a pattern and predict future claims. This history may trigger a reevaluation of the risk level associated with providing coverage.

Policy Conditions


Insurers usually have clear conditions for home maintenance and safety. A roof, being a vital component in safeguarding a property, falls under strict scrutiny. Not adhering to stipulated guidelines on its upkeep might lead to policy cancellation.

Legislation and Company Policy


State laws and individual company policies also govern insurance provisions. The requirements for coverage can include details about the roof's age, materials, and conditions.


Navigating through insurance intricacies can be perplexing. As we traverse through this guide, we'll shed light on tangible steps and decisions you can make to ensure you’re not left unprotected. During our journey, we will explore different roofing options. We will also discuss your replacement needs and find new coverage that keeps your home safe and gives you peace of mind.

Evaluating Your Current Roof and Understanding Replacement Needs


Dealing with an old roof and its challenges can be disheartening. Yet, you can protect your home and increase its value by installing a strong new roof. So, let's delve into evaluating your current roof and understanding the essence of replacement:

Assessment of Roof Condition


Check your roof for signs of damage like missing shingles, leaks, sagging, or water damage inside. This could mean your roof is in bad condition. If these issues are prevalent, despite the age of the roof, it might signal the necessity for a replacement.

Roof Age and Material


Consider the age of your roof and the materials from which it is made. Most asphalt shingle roofs have a lifespan of 15-20 years, while metal and tile roofs can last longer. Knowing the typical lifespan of your roofing material can help gauge whether replacement is on the horizon.

Energy Efficiency


An old roof may lack modern energy-efficient attributes. Getting a new roof can make your home better insulated and use less energy. This might help lower your utility bills and make your home more environmentally friendly.

Safety and Security


An old, worn roof might pose safety risks, especially during adverse weather conditions. A new roof ensures optimal protection against elements, offering peace of mind for the safety of your home and loved ones.

Steps Towards Replacement

  • Choosing the Right Material: Analyze different roofing materials, considering factors like lifespan, maintenance, cost, and aesthetic appeal.
  • Selecting a Reputable Contractor: It’s crucial to choose an experienced roofing contractor. Ensure they are licensed, insured, and have a strong reputation for quality workmanship.
  • Budgeting: Establish a clear financial plan, considering your budget, available financing options, and possible insurance claim help.
  • Understand Warranties: Be aware of the warranties offered on the roofing materials and installation to safeguard your investment.
  • Plan and Schedule: Coordinate with your chosen contractor about timelines, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily life during the installation.

Embracing the prospect of roof replacement might seem daunting at first, but it’s a direct pathway to securing your home and future peace of mind. A new roof not only shields you and your home from the elements but also amplifies your property’s aesthetic and financial value.

Let's talk about what to do if you think your roof can still last. We can also look at other options.

Sourcing Alternative Insurance and Understanding Your Coverage


Dealing with homeowners' insurance can be tricky, especially if you have an old roof. It can feel like a dangerous situation. If you believe your roof is still strong, it's important to find other insurance options. Make sure you understand your coverage. Let’s delve into how you might secure your property without succumbing to an unwarranted roof replacement.

Exploring Alternative Insurance Options:

  • Shop Around: Begin by exploring different insurance providers. Compare their policies, rates, and specifically, their stance on older roofs.
  • Specialized Insurance Providers: Look into companies that might offer policies for homes with older roofs, even if it means a slightly elevated premium.
  • Discounted Policies: Check if any insurers offer discounted policies for homes with older but still-in-good-condition roofs.

Understanding Your Policy:

  • Coverage Details: Ensure clarity on what exactly is covered under the policy. This could include dwelling coverage, personal property coverage, and liability coverage.
  • Claim Process: Familiarize yourself with the claim process, ensuring you understand the steps and documents required to file a claim should the need arise.
  • Exclusions: Be mindful of what is NOT covered under your policy. This often includes specific damages or perils and can greatly influence your decision in choosing a provider.

Engage in a Roof Inspection:

  • Professional Assessment: Even if your roof appears sound, hiring a professional for an in-depth inspection is worthwhile. This can give you a clear picture of its condition and official documentation to present to insurance providers.
  • Repairs: If you quickly fix small problems found during an inspection, it can make your roof last longer and meet insurance rules.

Communicate and Negotiate:

  • Discussions: Talk openly with potential insurance agents about your situation and the state of your roof.
  • Negotiation: Don’t shy away from negotiating terms or premiums with the insurer. Leverage your professional roof inspection report to affirm your standpoint.
  • Document Everything: To avoid problems later on, make sure to write down all communication, agreements, and policies.

Seeking Expert Guidance:

  • Insurance Agent: An insurance agent with experience can help you choose the right policy for your needs.
  • Legal Counsel: If you believe you’ve been unjustly dropped or if your claims are being dismissed despite a sturdy roof, seeking legal counsel may be a valuable step.

Believing your roof is strong, even when someone says it seems weak, requires careful attention. To protect your home, you can find different insurance options, know your coverage well, and take care of your roof. This way, you can avoid unnecessary replacements.

Let’s continue to tread wisely on this journey.

The Roof Replacement Process: What to Expect and How to Prepare


Deciding to replace your roof is a big deal. It costs a lot of money and can disrupt your daily routine. Whether you’ve opted for a replacement to ease insurance woes or to invest in the future stability of your home, being prepared for what lies ahead is key.

roof replacement on a home in progress

At RoofCrafters, we understand the apprehensions and queries that you might harbor about the process. Let’s unfold the curtain on what to expect during a roof replacement and how you can best prepare for it.

Understanding the Process:

  1. Assessment: A thorough inspection and assessment of your current roof will determine the extent of work required.
  2. Quotation: Post-assessment, your roofing company will provide a detailed quote, covering all costs related to materials, labor, and any potential extra expenses.
  3. Material Selection: You will decide on the roofing materials, considering factors like durability, aesthetics, and budget.
  4. Scheduling: The roofing company will schedule the project, providing you with a tentative timeline and start date.
  5. Installation: The actual replacement can take anywhere from a day to a couple of weeks depending on the size and complexity of the roof.

Preparing Your Home and Yourself:

  • Secure Belongings: Ensure your belongings, especially those in the attic, are covered or moved to shield them from debris.
  • Accessibility: Ensure that the roofing team has clear access to your roof and the areas surrounding your house.
  • Safety: Make areas prone to falling debris off-limits to safeguard your family and pets.
  • Noise Management: Be prepared for a fair amount of noise and consider how you might mitigate its impact on your daily routine.
  • Neighbor Notification: Inform your neighbors in advance about the impending work to allow them to prepare for the noise and potential disruptions.

Facilitate Smooth Operations:

  • Communication: Maintain open communication with your roofing team, ensuring you're aware of progress and any hiccups along the way.
  • Flexibility: Be prepared for unexpected delays due to weather or unforeseen structural issues.
  • Quality Check: After completion, perform a walkthrough with your contractor to ensure all work is complete and to your satisfaction.

Finalizing and Warranty:

  • Invoice Review: Go through the final invoice, ensuring all costs align with the initial quote and discussing any discrepancies.
  • Warranty Details: Ensure clarity about the warranty of your new roof - understanding its tenure, what it covers, and any actions that might void it.
  • Documentation: Safeguard all documentation about your roof replacement, including invoices, warranties, and any communication, as they might be vital for insurance or future reference.

Embarking on a roof replacement journey is undeniably daunting. With a clear understanding of what to expect and how to prepare, it becomes easier to handle.

Concluding Thoughts: Nurturing Stability Amid Uncertainty


As you navigate roof insurance and replacements, you've armed yourself with knowledge and action points. Your home is a safe place full of memories. It needs a strong roof to protect it, especially during policy changes. Understand that despite worries, there are practical solutions to guide you through challenges.

RoofCrafters listens to your worries and solves your roofing challenges with experience. Handling policy cancellations is tough, both emotionally and financially, but can be overcome. Yet, every problem has many solutions, which can help turn difficult journeys into clear paths to safety.

For 30 years, RoofCrafters has protected homes and brought peace of mind to communities. We have built a strong reputation for reliability and commitment in the roofing industry. Our family is here to help you.

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Nicole Corson

At RoofCrafters, our mission is to provide job opportunities for others to thrive and grow while making a meaningful impact within our communities.