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How Much Will Your New Roof Cost? We're Glad You Asked!

Let's call out the elephant in the room: Pricing!

How Much Does A New Roof Cost with Daniel Humphries

Okay, Let’s Cut To the Chase. How Much Will I Really Be Paying?

Pricing talk in the roofing industry is oftentimes seen as taboo, but it doesn’t have to be. Roofing projects are expensive, you know this. So, wouldn’t you rather know how much you’ll be paying up front instead of tip-toeing around the subject?

Quality roofing projects are expensive. By knowing how much you’ll be paying out of pocket before the project begins, you can better understand what you can afford, and if you need financing or other assistance. Transparency is an all-around win!

What Influences the Cost of My Roofing Project?

Your roof is unique, and the total cost is going to depend on a lot of different factors. Below are the 3 main factors that impact the cost of your new roof.

Number 1 Icon

Type of roofing material

Number 2 Icon

Size of your roof

Number 3 Icon

Complexity of your roof

lit home asphalt shingle roof

Pricing Calculator

Use the RoofCrafters pricing tool to calculate a rough estimate of the costs surrounding your roof replacement with merely the press of a few buttons.

Material Type Dimensions Estimate

Choose Your Roofing Material

The material you choose for your new roof is one of the most exciting parts of your journey. The most popular roofing material choices on the market include standing seam metal, screw-down metal, Spanish tile, and asphalt shingles.

Each one has the ability to add a unique aesthetic flare to your home, but it’s important to note that each of these roofing materials will differ in price depending on your region, and the size of your home.

Check out this pricing calculator to help you decide which material is the best fit for your home and budget requirements.

Standing Seam Metal standing seam

Consisting of a concealed fastener system that showcases vertical or diamond-shaped legs with flat space in between, a standing seam metal roof is a sleek choice for any home.

Screw-Down Metal screw down metal

A fluted metal roof that’s held together by exposed screws, you’ll be getting your bang for your buck with this classic choice.

Spanish Tile a red tiled terracotta roof

You can’t go wrong with this single-piece, barrel-designed, sustainable roofing material that’s made of clay or terracotta.

Asphalt Shingles
3 Tab 3-Tab Shingles
Arch Shingles Architectural Shingles
Barkwood GAF Upgraded Architectural Shingles
Designer Shingles Designer Shingles

Made up of a base mat, a layer of asphalt, and topped with ceramic granules, your color and style options are endless. Choose between 3-tab, architectural, and designer.

Material Type Dimensions Estimate

Select Your Roof Type

There are several different roof types, however, for the sake of simplicity and convenience, let’s stick with the general simple, standard, and complex roof lines. If you don’t see an option that matches your roof type, don’t panic! Choose the option that resembles your roof the closest, and be aware that prices will vary between the different roof types.

Material Type Dimensions Estimate

Input Your Home’s Outdoor Wall Dimensions

Next, input the dimensions of your home. For this step, you’ll need to step outside and find the length and width of the walls of your home from the exterior. Simply stretch your tape measurer along your walls from one end to the other in both directions. Record your measurements, and place them into the calculator. Voilà!


Home Footprint:

5200 sq/ft

Total Roof Area:

6500 sq/ft

Material Type Dimensions Estimate

Your Roof Replacement Estimate

Wasn’t that fun? In your estimate, you’ll see the material you chose, the type of roof you have, your home footprint, and your total roof area are the factors that will determine the final cost of your roof replacement.


*Please note that this is a rough estimate, and upon having a professional inspection, this number may vary*

Roof Material:


Roof Type:

Standard Two Story

Home Footprint:


Total Roof Area:


Your Rough Roof Cost:


Schedule Your Roof Inspection Today

The Pricing Calculator is a great tool; We're glad you enjoyed utilizing it! After receiving all of that useful information, it's time to schedule your inspection. 

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What You Need to Know About Pricing

Below you’ll find the answers to RoofCrafters’ most frequently asked questions. If you still can’t find the answer you’re looking for, drop us a line on our contact page.

What should be included in my pricing estimate?

Can I discuss the project cost with my contractor?

Will I have access to financing if I need it?