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Challenges of Installing a Metal Roof Over Shingles in Brunswick: What You Need to Know

August , 2023 | 7 min. read

By Joe Martinez

Roofer tearing off a metal roof over shingles

Ready to leap into the world of metal roofing? We can relate! A new metal roof represents a large investment, and you want to ensure that you're getting the best value for your money. With a multitude of information available, distinguishing fact from fiction can be challenging.

No need to worry, Brunswick roofing enthusiasts!  RoofCrafters, your local experts, have been navigating the metal roofing scene for over thirty years, and we've tackled it all. We're also accredited by top metal roofing manufacturers in the US, giving you confidence in our expertise. We've also encountered some questionable metal roofing practices around Brunswick.

In the sea of information, you've likely stumbled across some contradicting advice.

In this article, we'll cut through the confusion. We'll spotlight the potential issues that can surface when installing a metal roof over existing shingles. By the time you finish this article, you'll be armed with the knowledge to make an educated decision when choosing your metal roofing service.

Let's dive in, Brunswick!

The Problems With Installing a Metal Roof Over Shingles


Hold on to your shingles folks, we're about to dive into the world of metal roofing woes! You might have heard that installing a metal roof over shingles is the way to go, but as it turns out, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. 

But don't worry, we'll guide you through the storm and give you the lowdown on the problems that can arise when you mix shingles and metal on a roof.

Potential pitfalls when installing a metal roof over old shingles:

Building Code Violations

Many building codes require that old shingles be removed before installing a new metal roof. Failure to follow these codes can result in a non-compliant installation and may lead to legal issues in the future.

Installation Issues

Due to the lack of exposing the wood decking. Your new metal roof may be installed over bad or rotten decking. Because of that, this is considered a poor installation method.

Reduced Longevity

Installing metal over shingles can trap heat and moisture. Which can lead to premature failure of the metal roof.

Lack of Proper Ventilation

Installing a metal roof over shingles can impede proper ventilation of the attic space. This can lead to moisture buildup and mold growth.

Insulation Issues

Installing a metal roof over shingles can make it difficult to properly vent the roof. Which can result in increased energy costs and poor temperature regulation inside the attic.

Warranty Issues

Many metal roofing manufacturers will void their warranty. Which can leave you without protection in case of any issues or defects.

Compatibility Issues

Some shingles and metal roofing materials may not be compatible. They can cause issues such as warping, curling, or buckling of the shingles.

Aesthetic Problems

Installing a metal roof over shingles can lead to a bad appearance. This is due to the visible lines and ridges of the old shingles showing through the new metal roof.

Extra Costs

Installing metal over shingles can add extra costs. Costs associated with extra labor and materials making repairs.


It's important to note that, installing a metal roof over shingles may be done in some cases. Have a professional metal roofing contractor in Brunswick come out to ensure that the installation can be done. 

It's worth saying, installing metal over shingles is not recommended. By most roofing experts or metal manufacturers. It’s always best to check with a professional metal contractor to ensure that your installation will meet local building codes. As well as maintain its warranty.

Navigating Warranty Complications in Brunswick: Does Installing Metal Over Shingles Void Your Warranty?


In the world of roofing in Brunswick, Georgia, the issue of warranties often poses a puzzle for homeowners. The pivotal question is: will installing a metal roof over shingles nullify your warranty? The answer is typical, 'It depends'.

Are you covered after the work is done

Different manufacturers adopt varied positions on this matter. Some may consider their warranty void if their metal roofing materials are overlaid on shingles. While others may not have any specific provision for this scenario in their warranty terms.

So, how can you, as a Brunswick homeowner, navigate this complex landscape? The most straightforward path is open communication. Reach out to your metal roofing material provider and inquire about their warranty rules. Check whether the removal of old shingles is necessary to uphold the warranty.

Remember, in the coastal environment of Brunswick, with its unique climatic conditions, it's better to play it safe. Do your due diligence before deciding to install a metal roof over existing shingles. Make sure your warranty will stand and your installation is in line with all local building codes. No one wants unwelcome surprises after the roofing project is installed.

Uncovering the Truth: Why Brunswick Experts Advise Against Installing a Metal Roof Over Shingles


Wondering why metal roofing experts are skeptical about installing a metal roof over shingles? Let's dive into the heart of the matter. Consider the following analogy.

You approach a doctor with a headache, but instead of diagnosing the underlying issue, they stick a band-aid on your forehead. This is akin to installing a metal roof over shingles. 

It's hard to learn the true health of the underlying plywood without stripping off the old shingles. And who wants to deal with that headache in the balmy Brunswick climate? Certain red flags can suggest trouble with your plywood. By the end of this section, you'll have the tools to check your roof like a pro!

Watch out for these 4 warning signs:

  1. Sagging or uneven roof: If the roof appears uneven or sagging, it could be a telltale sign of rotting or water-damaged plywood underneath.
  2. Visible water damage: Any visible water stains or discoloration on the underside of the roof or the ceilings in the attic suggest a leaky roof. This could mean water has penetrated and possibly damaged the plywood.
  3. Soft or spongy roof: If the roof feels soft or gives way underfoot, it's a sign of rotting plywood.
  4. Obvious signs of rot: Dark, discolored, or moldy patches on the roof's plywood are clear signs of decay.

Remember, some of these symptoms might not show until the metal roofing is in place. An experienced Brunswick metal roofer understands this. The integrity of a new metal roof depends on the condition of the underlayment and wood decking. This is why most will refrain from overlaying a new metal roof over shingles.

Calculating the Real Costs: Does Installing a Metal Roof Over Old Shingles Save Money in Brunswick?


In the sunny city of Brunswick, Georgia, you might be wondering if installing a metal roof over old shingles will save you some hard-earned bucks. Well, the answer isn't as straightforward as you might think!

Imagine you have a pair of jeans with a tear. A patch might seem like a quick and cheap solution, but as time goes by, the rip may get bigger, and eventually, you'll have to replace the jeans entirely. The same logic applies to overlaying a metal roof on old shingles. It might look like a cost-effective strategy at first, but it could lead to costly repairs later on.

Plus, consider the expenses associated with disposing of your old shingles. The average cost to remove and dispose of old shingles ranges between $1,000 and $1,600, a price tag you might want to bear in mind. 

Image call to action, use the pricing calculator to estimate the cost of your roof replacement

So, before you join the bandwagon of installing a metal roof over shingles. Think twice and consult with your trusted Brunswick roofing expert to avoid any potential pitfalls.

Understanding the True Costs: How Much Does a Proper Metal Roof Installation Cost in Brunswick?


So, you've got the lowdown on the potential problems that can arise from installing a metal roof over old shingles. Now, you must be curious to know the cost of having a metal roof in Brunswick done the right way.

Fear not, for we have prepared a detailed guide to help you understand the pricing of the most popular metal roofs. Along with the pricing information, you'll also find pictures of these metal roofs installed on homes in Brunswick. 

For 30 years, our family at RoofCrafters has been educating and assisting homeowners in Brunswick, Georgia. We've installed metal roofs on many Golden Isle properties. From cozy residences to sprawling commercial buildings. We'd love to come to discuss metal roof options with you. Schedule your inspection below.

image call to action, schedule an inspection

Joe Martinez

At RoofCrafters, our mission is to provide job opportunities for others to thrive and grow while making a meaningful impact within our communities.