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roofing fire

My Roof Caught on Fire, What Now?

August , 2023 | 6 min. read

By Cassie Findley

white house after roof fire

Roof fires are an alarming and potentially devastating event, and pose a significant threat to homeowners and their properties. From an unattended candle to an electrical malfunction or even a natural disaster, a roof fire can occur suddenly and without warning, leaving behind a trail of destruction. When faced with such a crisis, homeowners are confronted with the urgent need to prioritize their safety and the well-being of their families. However, once the immediate danger is mitigated and the flames extinguished, the journey to restore and rebuild the affected property begins.

Why me? What now? At RoofCrafters, we hear your concern. Dealing with the aftermath of a roof fire is not for the fainthearted, and the overwhelming stress and anxiety that the event can cause is undoubtedly overwhelming, which is why we want you to be knowledgeable about your next steps.  So, take a deep breath, friend, and know that we’re here for you as we delve into the realities of roof fires and explore the essential steps that homeowners should consider when dealing with such a traumatic event.

By understanding the challenges and enlisting the expertise of professionals, you can navigate the path to recovery and ensure the restoration of your home to a safe and sound condition. With that being said, in just a few short moments, you’ll learn what immediate actions should be taken if your roof catches fire, and the steps your roofing contractor will take to remedy the situation. Let’s begin, shall we?

My Roof Caught on Fire, What Now?


firefighter outside burning home

It's essential to act quickly and responsibly to ensure your safety and minimize damage. As I’m sure you’re reading this article after the fact (which, I hope you’re not sitting at your desktop while flames are ablaze, dear reader), here are the steps you should take:

  • Call emergency services: Dial 911, the emergency number immediately to report the fire. Provide them with your location and any pertinent details about the fire's size and location.

  • Evacuate the premises: If you haven't already done so, evacuate everyone from the building to a safe location outside. Ensure that all family members, pets, and visitors are accounted for.

  • Do not re-enter the building: Under no circumstances should you re-enter the building until the fire department has declared it safe to do so. Fires can re-ignite and cause further harm.

  • Inform neighbors: If you have neighbors close by, inform them of the fire so they can take precautions and stay alert.

  • Turn off utilities if safe: If you have time and it's safe to do so, turn off the gas, electricity, and water supply to the house. This can help prevent further damage or accidents.

  • Stay out of the way: Allow the firefighters to do their job. Provide them with any relevant information about the structure of the building and potential hazards.

    firefighter putting out fire

  • Contact your insurance company: Notify your home insurance company about the fire as soon as possible. They can guide you through the claims process and assist in covering the damages.

  • Assess the damage: After the fire has been extinguished and authorities deem it safe to return, you can assess the damage to your property. Take photographs of the affected areas and any belongings that have been damaged for insurance purposes.

  • Arrange for temporary accommodation: If your home is uninhabitable due to the fire, you'll need to arrange for temporary accommodation until repairs can be made.

  • Contact a roofing restoration professional: Once the fire is out, contact a fire damage restoration company to assess the extent of the damage and begin the process of cleaning and restoring your home.

How Do Roofing Contractors Restore Homes Damaged by Fire?


roofers restoring roof

Restoring homes damaged by fire is a complex and multi-step process that requires the expertise of professionals, including roofing companies. Here is a general outline of how roofing companies may be involved in the restoration in a step-by-step process:

  1. Safety Assessment: Before any restoration work begins, the roofing company will conduct a safety assessment of the property to identify hazards and risks associated with the damaged roof and surrounding areas. This step is crucial to ensure the safety of workers and occupants during the restoration process.

  2. Temporary Roofing: In cases where the fire has severely damaged the roof, a roofing company may install temporary tarps or other materials to protect the home from further water damage until a full restoration can be performed.

  3. Inspection and Damage Assessment: The roofing company will inspect the extent of the fire damage to the roof. They will identify areas that need repair or replacement and assess the structural integrity of the roofing system.

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  4. Removing Damaged Materials: Any fire-damaged roofing materials, such as shingles, underlayment, and decking, will be removed and properly disposed of.

  5. Structural Repairs: The roofing company may need to perform structural repairs to the roof if the fire has compromised its integrity. This may involve replacing damaged trusses, beams, or other support structures.

  6. Replacing Roofing Materials: Once the roof structure is secure, the roofing company will replace the damaged roofing materials, such as shingles, tiles, or metal panels, to restore the roof's functionality and appearance.

  7. Addressing Water Damage: Fires are often extinguished using water, which can cause additional damage to the home. The roofing company will address any water damage, ensuring proper ventilation and drying to prevent mold growth and further deterioration.

  8. Inspection for Hidden Damage: Sometimes, fire damage may extend beyond what is initially visible. The roofing company will carefully inspect the attic and roof spaces to identify any hidden damage that needs to be addressed.

  9. Cleanup and Debris Removal: Throughout the restoration process, the roofing company will clean up debris and ensure the area is safe and clear.

Scaffolding around a new home being built with a tile roof

  1. Final Inspection and Certification: After completing the restoration work, the roofing company will conduct a final inspection to ensure that the roof meets safety and building code standards. They may also provide certification or documentation to confirm the roof's integrity.

Navigating a Roof Fire Crisis


Experiencing a roof fire is a distressing and challenging situation for any homeowner. In such a crisis, a prompt and informed response is crucial. When dealing with a roof fire, homeowners should prioritize safety above all else. Evacuate the property immediately, and call emergency services to control the fire.

As you now know, after the fire is extinguished, homeowners should reach out to professional roofing companies specializing in fire damage restoration. These experts possess the knowledge and skills to assess the extent of the damage, perform necessary repairs, and restore the roof to its pre-fire condition safely and efficiently. Throughout the process, open communication with the roofing company and other involved professionals is essential. Homeowners should seek detailed information about the restoration plan, costs, and timelines to ensure a transparent and effective recovery process.

Remember to prioritize safety, follow the guidance of professionals, and exercise patience throughout the restoration journey. A roof fire is undoubtedly a challenging event, but with the right approach and the support of qualified experts, homeowners can overcome this ordeal and restore their beloved home to its former glory. At RoofCrafters, we're ready and eager to help you navigate this situation; you don't have to do this alone. If you're ready for a helping hand with your roofing fire crisis, be sure to hit the "Schedule an Inspection" button, and one of our roofing experts will schedule your appointment at your earliest convenience. 

image call to action, schedule an inspection

Cassie Findley

My name is Cassie, and I’m the Content Manager here at RoofCrafters. I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, and made my way out to Florida post-college graduation. I’m incredibly passionate about writing and creating valuable content that helps others with the collaboration of my marketing team. When I’m not working, I enjoy shopping (a little too much), spending time at the beach, and reading!