It's a beautiful day outside. As you finish gardening, clouds are rolling in, preparing for a refreshing rain shower. You wash your hands in your outdoor sink and make your way inside as the clouds over your home darken. You've made it just in time because rain is ready to pour. As you tap your shoes on the rug and take a step, you hear the unmistakable pounding of water drops echoing above you. That must be a metal roof you have!
If that description paints an overstimulating image, it's the reality of having a metal roof over your head. Actually, there are a few other not-so-great qualities that metal roofs also possess. Aside from being a little noisy, they are also prone to other issues that range in seriousness. I'm sure the last thing you want is to be in the dark about these potential problems if you're considering a metal roof.
At RoofCrafters, we know firsthand that metal roofing is a fit for some and not as suitable for others. After all, we've been installing every type of roof- including metal, for 30 years. When you've been in the roofing industry for three decades, you begin to see the disadvantages that materials can pose to homes. Though there are benefits to metal roofing, homeowners need to know that there are also drawbacks to this specific choice of material.
By the end of this article, you'll be an expert in knowing the downsides of metal roofing that you may not have thought of before. Before we get into that, however, it's imperative that we go over what metal roofing is. Don't worry; it won't take long. Let's begin, shall we?
What Is Metal Roofing?
Metal roofing is a broad term referring to roof products made of numerous types of metal. Popular types of metal roofing include:
Standing seam
Stone-coated seal
The primary difference between metal roofing types is their appearance, and many types of metal roofs display an industrial look and feel. Stone-coated metal roofing offers the most versatility in design, suiting nearly any type of property- residential, commercial, or industrial.
Metal roofing used to only be found on expensive, architect-designed homes, and today, it's used for all types of homes, even conventional options. There are plenty of advantages to this type of roof but also some notable disadvantages.
What Are the Disadvantages of Metal Roofing?
Don't get us wrong- metal roofing is not even slightly a terrible choice. It's favored by many for a reason. It is better to know what you're getting into when considering one, though. The same goes for any other type of roof. Better to know everything, right? Here are a few of the drawbacks of metal roofing.
The Cost
Though a popular and efficient roofing type, metal roofs can be costly. In recent years, the southern US has gravitated more towards metal roofing, making it a common choice among homeowners today. This option has more up-front costs in the materials and installation labor categories. Some can argue that the prices will even out over time, but you still have to be able to afford the up-front increase in pricing. It can be steep.
For example, aluminum shingles cost between $9 and $16.50 per square ft., which is around $15,500 to $28,000. The best way to find out what you're looking at is to get in touch with a trusted roofing contractor in your area.
Contrary to popular belief, metal roofing can withstand harsh weather conditions, including large hail. The problem isn't the hail itself but the water that can seep through a roof damaged by it. If a crack forms on the roof, water can make its way through it, potentially causing severe damage to the home’s structural integrity.
This isn't to say that hail damage on metal roofing is widespread, but it can be a risk. If you regularly receive serious weather events that include hail, this is worth knowing.
A metal roof myth is that they're "loud." While this may not be entirely true, they echo, which can be a problem for those who like a tranquil atmosphere. If the metal roof is installed over solid decking, it will be quieter, however. Wood decking helps absorb some of the noise between your metal panels and ceiling.
If your decking isn't solid, you'll hear the rain. And no matter what, there will be some noise when water drops hit your roof with this option. As mentioned earlier, that may be overstimulating to some.
Chalking and Fading
Will your metal roof fade? Yes, especially if it's painted. When substances like pollution, water, and chemicals react with your paint, fading will occur. As the pigment breaks down, it causes the color to change over time. Though this change usually lightens the color, sometimes it can darken it or alter the shade of the color completely.
Be sure to note that different panels on the same structure may fade at different times because each portion is exposed to various elements. No matter what kind of pigment is used on a coil, it won't stay preserved forever in an outdoor environment. Just like clothing fades over time, your metal roof will do the same. Sun exposure, temperature, and moisture are all factors that determine when and how your roof's color will change over time.
Slippery When Wet
Not to be dramatic, but falling to your death is more likely with this roofing option. When you combine metal with fresh rain or ice, you get a slippery surface that can be super dangerous and even fatal.
Because metal roofs are so smooth, you'll need to make sure you're wearing the proper shoes if you ever have the guts to get up there. There are also a lot of other little things you have to prepare for if you want to hop on this type of roof, like planning for a clear day instead of a rainy one. There are a lot of things to consider with this option to keep from damaging the roof or yourself. Some roofing industries even suggest prerequisites like not exerting force on this roof selection.
Is Metal Roofing Right for Me?
You made it! Now that you know the disadvantages of metal roofing, you can more easily navigate the decision-making process. You may, however, have more questions and concerns. If that's the case, we highly recommend checking out "2022 | What is the Best Metal Roofing and the Average Cost?" And if that still doesn't answer all of your questions, we have many resources you can refer to in our learning center.
We know choosing a new roof can be awfully tough. That's why our family at RoofCrafters wants you to know that you aren't alone in making your decision, and we're here to help make things easier for you!
If you feel you're ready to talk to a licensed professional, RoofCrafters is eager to assist with your needs. You can get in touch with one of our friendly representatives by visiting our contact page. No matter what's going through your mind, we're here to lend a hand!
My name is Kevin Mills, and I am the lead estimator for RoofCrafters’ Tampa division. I’m originally from Michigan, and I enjoy hunting, fishing, and spending any free time outdoors. What I’m most passionate about, though, is helping business owners and homeowners alike achieve their roofing goals, all while providing a seamless customer journey.