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Who Are Cowboy Roofers?

July , 2023 | 7 min. read

By Cassie Findley

white home with pool

Cowboy roofers are the renegades of the roofing world, riding in with their unmarked vehicles and non-existent warranties. Like wild stallions, they roam the construction plains, offering tempting deals that can leave your roof as crooked as a tumbleweed in a storm. Fear not, dear reader, for in this rodeo of roofing mishaps, we shall saddle up and lasso the knowledge needed to avoid these rootin'-tootin' con artists. Geez, enough with the wild west analogies!

With a term coined as such, I simply couldn’t resist. In all seriousness, though, cowboy roofers are people you ought to keep away from your roofing and business endeavors. RoofCrafters has been in business for over 30 years, and we’ve seen these troubadours come and go, leaving the good folks of the Southeast’s roofs in shambles, and their piggy banks drained.

That being said, we want to help you learn how to avoid exactly that. If you’re reading this article, you may have heard of the ever-elusive cowboy roofer, and you’re wondering what the deal is. You’re in the right place because, in just a few short moments, we’ll give you the definition of cowboy roofers, and some tell-tale signs of how to spot them. So, giddy up, and let’s jump right in!

Who Are Cowboy Roofers?


In general, the term "cowboy roofer" is often used metaphorically to describe someone who operates outside the rules or norms, often in a reckless or unprofessional manner. roofing cowboys might be used to refer to contractors or workers who are unqualified, unskilled, or operate without proper licenses and insurance.


These individuals may cut corners, provide subpar workmanship, or engage in dishonest practices. It's important to conduct proper research and due diligence when hiring roofing contractors to ensure that you work with reputable and reliable professionals. Verify their licenses, check for references and reviews, and ask for proof of insurance before committing to any roofing project.

How to Spot a Cowboy Roofer 101


unmarked van

Now that we've identified what a cowboy roofer is, let's explore some methods to distinguish them from legitimate contractors. One way to spot cowboy roofers is by observing their arrival in unmarked vehicles without any visible company branding, such as a business name, logo, or contact details. In today's business landscape, it's unusual for any reputable tradesperson not to advertise their company on their vehicle. This omission might raise suspicions about their intentions or credibility, serving as an initial warning sign to be cautious.

Zero Online Presence


A professionally designed website and/or Facebook page are crucial marketing tools for any business, particularly for tradespeople. When a cowboy roofer arrives at your house with nothing more than a basic-looking business card, lacking essential details and without any mention of a website or Facebook page, it's a clear indication that this individual or company might not be the right choice for conducting business.

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Lack of Company Knowledge


When selecting a roofer, it's essential to ask numerous questions upfront to gauge their knowledge and experience, as clear and honest answers indicate their expertise. Trust is crucial in this process, so if their responses don't sound convincing, it's best to follow your instincts and consider another company. Obtaining at least three quotes is a wise starting point during the selection process.


To gain independent feedback about a roofing company's previous work, verbal or written references are invaluable. Don't hesitate to request these references upfront. Reputable roofing companies will readily provide 3-4 references from different clients. Take the time to contact these references and inquire about their experience with the company. Were they punctual? Did they perform a satisfactory job? Did they provide good value for money? Through these conversations, you'll quickly gain insights into whether you are dealing with a professional roofing company or not.

Doesn’t Provide Written Quotes/Asks for Cash Payment Upfront


Cowboy Roofers often insist on receiving full payment or a substantial deposit upfront. While it's common to pay up to 50% of the roof or repair cost as a deposit, (in fact, even RoofCrafters asks our clients for a 40% deposit on residential and commercial work) if you feel comfortable paying only 10% or 20% initially, communicate your preference and negotiate with them. Reputable companies will be willing to compromise if they are genuinely interested in your project.

If they refuse to accommodate your request, it's wise to consider engaging another roofing company. Remember, never pay more than 50% upfront, and avoid paying the full cost of the roof upfront entirely. Unfortunately, some people still fall victim to this and end up being scammed.

Be cautious if the cowboy roofer requests cash payments, as this may indicate tax evasion on their part. Such behavior raises questions about their integrity and professionalism. If they are cutting corners by not paying taxes, they will likely do the same with your roofing job, compromising its quality and reliability. Always prioritize working with reputable roofing contractors who maintain integrity and transparency in their business practices.

Specific Clientele Targets


Cowboy Roofers often prey on vulnerable targets, including the elderly, single women, and homeowners who seem financially capable of paying cash to resolve perceived roof issues. These fast-talking con artists specifically target communities where they believe they can take advantage of people in need.

If you suspect that a tradesperson dealing with your neighbors, especially seniors, appears suspicious, it's essential to take action. Reach out to your neighbors, offer support, and advise them to trust their instincts. It's crucial to look out for one another and help protect those who might be targeted by these unscrupulous individuals. By staying vigilant and supportive, we can create a safer community for everyone.

Doesn’t Provide Warranties



Cowboy roofers won’t provide you with any warranties, which can leave you vulnerable to potential issues and financial risks in the future. Warranties are essential because they offer you protection and assurance that the roofing work and materials used are of good quality. Here are some potential consequences if you don't receive warranties from a shady roofing contractor:

  • No recourse for defects: If the roofing work or materials turn out to be defective, you won't have any recourse to get the issues fixed without a warranty. You might have to pay out of pocket for repairs or replacements, which can be expensive.
  • Shortened roof lifespan: A lack of warranties may indicate that the contractor used subpar materials or didn't install the roof properly. This could lead to premature wear and tear, causing the roof to fail much earlier than it should.
  • Increased maintenance costs: Without a warranty, you may need to spend more on regular maintenance to keep the roof in good condition, especially if there are underlying issues caused by poor workmanship or materials.
  • Limited legal options: If you encounter problems with the roof and the contractor refuses to address them, without a warranty, your legal options may be limited. Pursuing legal action against a shady contractor can be challenging and expensive.

Always Hire a Reputable Roofing Contractor


As you now know, it is imperative to stay away from cowboy roofers to safeguard yourselves and your homes from potential risks and financial losses. Cowboy roofers, often lacking professionalism, integrity, and proper qualifications, may offer enticing deals but deliver subpar workmanship and low-quality materials.

By being aware of the warning signs such as unmarked vehicles, lack of clear warranties, and pressuring for upfront cash payments, we can avoid falling victim to their schemes. Instead, opt for reputable roofing contractors who are licensed, insured, and possess a proven track record of delivering high-quality work and customer satisfaction. Seek referrals, ask for references, and thoroughly research potential companies before making a decision.

Trusting your instincts and being proactive in assessing roofing contractors will ultimately lead us to reliable professionals who will ensure a secure and well-maintained roof over our heads for years to come. By avoiding cowboy roofers and making informed choices, you invest in the long-term protection and value of your homes. If you need a roof repair, replacement, or a professional project estimate, be sure to hit the “schedule an inspection” button down below, and one of our licensed experts will happily aid you in your roofing needs! 

image call to action, schedule an inspection

Cassie Findley

My name is Cassie, and I’m the Content Manager here at RoofCrafters. I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, and made my way out to Florida post-college graduation. I’m incredibly passionate about writing and creating valuable content that helps others with the collaboration of my marketing team. When I’m not working, I enjoy shopping (a little too much), spending time at the beach, and reading!