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All About Roof Decking: Types, Tips & More

March , 2024 | 5 min. read

By Macie LaCau

neighborhood of homes

Just like the intricate makeup of a human, roofing systems have many parts. These components are unique to your roof, each playing a crucial role in protecting your home, family, and possessions from the elements. Many homeowners may not realize that their roofs extend beyond just shingles; there's a whole science behind their structural composition.

While your roof isn't made of blood and bones like we are, there's a distinct anatomy that exists within the system. That means your roof isn't just a large surface with shingles on top. Pretty cool, right? Every part of your roof serves a special, significant purpose, and one of those components is decking. 

If you're curious to know what roof decking is, how it functions, and its types, you're in the right place! This article goes in-depth to show you the ropes of this roof element, explaining why it's critical to the structure. Ready to begin? So are we!

What is Roof Decking and How Does it Function? 


Every homeowner deserves to be in-the-known about their roof and what it's made of. Let's break down roof decking!

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Roof Decking: The Backbone of Your Roof

When you think about your roof, you might picture the shingles on top, but there's more to it. Imagine your roof as a sandwich—shingles are the tasty top layer, and roof decking is the solid foundation holding everything together.

Material Matters: Plywood or OSB

Roof decking is typically made of plywood or oriented strand board (OSB). These materials provide a sturdy base for the other roofing components. It's like the strong, flat surface you'd use to build a fort with Lego blocks; it gives shape and support.

roof being torn off and one piece of plywood being replaced

Function: Support and Stability

The primary job of roof decking is to provide support and stability to the roof. It spans the gaps between the roof trusses or rafters, creating a solid surface for other roofing elements. Just like a strong foundation keeps a house standing, roof decking ensures your roof can bear the weight of shingles, snow, and rain without caving in.

The Space In Between: Ventilation and Insulation

Roof decking also plays a role in maintaining a comfortable home environment. It leaves space for ventilation and insulation. Imagine it like the attic's floor, allowing air to circulate and keeping your home cozy by preventing heat from escaping.

Protection from Above and Below

Lastly, roof decking acts as a shield from the elements. It protects your home from rain, snow, and sunlight. It's like having a reliable umbrella over your head, making sure your home stays dry and safe.

In a nutshell, roof decking is one of the most important roof parts, providing support, stability, ventilation, and protection to keep your home snug and secure.

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More About Roof Decking Types


As mentioned above, when it comes to roof decking, there are two main types—plywood and oriented strand board (OSB). Think of them as the two main characters in a story, each with its own strengths.


  • Plywood: Ole Reliable

Plywood is like that dependable friend who's always been around. It's made by layering thin sheets of wood and gluing them together, creating a sturdy and consistent material. Plywood tends to resist swelling or shrinking, making it a reliable choice for roof decking.

  • OSB: The Modern Option

Now, meet OSB, the more modern choice. OSB is crafted from wood strands compressed and glued together. Picture it as a high-tech jigsaw puzzle; each piece fits snugly with the others. OSB is known for its cost-effectiveness and strength, often making it a popular choice for roof decking.

Choosing the Right One: Plywood or OSB?

Just like picking the best tool for a job, choosing between plywood and OSB depends on your needs. Plywood might be your go-to if you're after a stable and long-lasting option. On the other hand, if you're looking for a budget-friendly yet robust choice, OSB could be the answer.

Stucco home with a Hip and gable roof with a blend color scheme

Thickness Matters: Gauging Strength

Now, let's talk thickness. Roof decking comes in various thicknesses, like choosing between thin and thick blankets for warmth. Thicker decking can offer more strength, providing extra support for your roof.

Putting It All Together: Creating a Solid Base

Regardless of the type, the primary goal of roof decking is to create a solid foundation for your roof. It's the essential layer that holds everything up, ensuring your roof can handle whatever weather comes its way.

Plywood and OSB are the main characters in the roof decking world. Each has its own strengths, and the choice depends on your preferences and needs. So, whether you lean towards the reliable option (plywood) or the modern one (OSB), both play a crucial role in keeping your roof strong and steady.

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Decking is Essential for a Reliable Roofing System


Roof decking serves as a critical component in the structural integrity of your roof. The two primary materials, plywood and OSB, each contribute unique attributes to the overall strength and stability of the roofing system. Plywood offers reliability and endurance, while OSB provides a cost-effective and robust alternative.

When selecting between plywood and OSB, factors such as stability, cost, and thickness play essential roles in making an informed decision. The thickness of the decking material directly impacts the strength and support it provides to the entire roofing structure.

Ultimately, the significance of roof decking lies in its role as a foundational element, ensuring that your roof can withstand the challenges posed by weather and the passage of time. Whether you choose plywood or OSB, the key is to establish a sturdy base for the layers above.

In the realm of roofing decisions, RoofCrafters stands as an experienced guide. With nearly three decades of roofing expertise, we offer valuable insights into various roof types and materials. Our commitment goes beyond installation – we strive to educate homeowners, enabling them to make well-informed choices about their roofs. Trust RoofCrafters for a reliable foundation, a resilient roof, and the assurance that your home is in capable hands.

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Macie LaCau

I'm a native Georgian who spends my days nurturing my passions and embracing the quiet life. With a penchant for taking the road less traveled, I love discovering new ideas, rooting for the underdog, and taking the long way home. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, animals, and making memories.