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Everything You Should Know About Roof Cleaning

August , 2023 | 7 min. read

By Kevin Mills

autumn home

Roof cleaning- hooray? While there are a select few in the world who genuinely love a good clean, the rest of us probably wouldn't mind having something else doing daunting tasks for us. Robot revolution, where are you at? (Kidding- we all know how that ends.) The truth is, even though it's not fun, there are essential parts of our homes that have to be maintained, including roofing systems. 

RoofCrafters has been a name in roofing for almost three decades, and we've seen roofs in every condition possible, from pristine to filthy. Many wonder if roof cleaning is something that's even achievable- I mean, are you supposed to climb up there yourself? We're glad you landed here because we're unveiling the details for you!

This article is your one-stop shop to learn about not only how to clean your roof but when and if you're better off having a professional do it. While roof maintenance can be typically done any time of year, there's a big gray area surrounding it. Is spring the best? Should I just have a roofer handle it? Luckily, we've answered everything you need to know below. The search is over! Let's get started. 

Can I Clean My Own Roof? 


For homeowners who are comfortable with DIY projects and have experience with basic home maintenance, cleaning the roof themselves can seem like a great option. DIY roof cleaning typically involves using a mixture of water, bleach, and a detergent solution to remove algae, moss, mildew, and dirt. This method can be effective for routine maintenance and mild dirt accumulation. However, before embarking on a DIY roof cleaning venture, it's crucial to consider a few key factors:

Safety First: Cleaning a roof involves working at heights, which can be dangerous, mainly if you're not accustomed to tasks like these. Safety measures, such as proper footwear, harnesses, and stable ladders, are essential to prevent accidents. The problem is most homeowners don't have those. 

Suitable Equipment: Using the right tools and equipment is essential to prevent damage to the roofing material. Soft brushes or low-pressure sprayers are recommended to avoid causing harm to shingles or other roof materials. 

roofer on flat roofing brooming off the debris

Understand Roofing Materials: Different roofing materials react differently to cleaning methods. It's essential to know the type of material you have and choose a cleaning solution that won't cause deterioration. Do your research! 

Environmentally-Friendly Options: Many DIY roof cleaning solutions may contain harsh chemicals that could harm your landscape or the environment. Researching eco-friendly alternatives is essential if you're environmentally conscious. If you aren't, there's definitely more leeway. 

Professional Roof Cleaning Services: A Better Option?


Opting for professional roof cleaning services offers several advantages, particularly for homeowners who are less experienced or are concerned about safety risks. Here are some reasons to consider hiring a professional:

Safety Assurance: Professionals are trained and equipped to work at great heights safely. They have the necessary safety gear and equipment to minimize risks.

Expertise: Roof cleaning professionals are well-versed in different roofing materials and the appropriate cleaning methods for each. They can tailor their approach to your specific roof type, ensuring effective cleaning without causing damage.

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Damage Prevention: Incorrect DIY cleaning methods can lead to unintentional damage to the roof, such as dislodging shingles or tiles. Professionals have the expertise to clean without causing harm.

Thorough Cleaning: Professional roof cleaners have access to commercial-grade equipment and cleaning solutions that can provide a more comprehensive and longer-lasting cleaning result.

Time and Effort: Cleaning a roof can be time-consuming and physically demanding. Hiring professionals frees you from this task, allowing you to focus on other essential aspects of home maintenance. If you're not a roof person, it may be a wiser choice to leave this to the professionals. 

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When is the Best Time of Year for Roof Cleaning? 


Determining the optimal time of year for roof cleaning involves a balance between weather conditions, safety risks, and the specific cleaning needs of your roof. Generally, the best time for roof cleaning depends on your region's climate and the type of debris or issues your roof faces. Assuming you're in the Southeast, there are a few things you should know. 

Spring: Spring is often considered one of the best times for roof cleaning. As winter subsides, the milder temperatures and increased sunlight create an environment conducive to tackling dirt, debris, and algae buildup. Cleaning your roof in spring helps prepare it for the upcoming summer heat and reduces the risk of potential damage caused by winter weather. Additionally, spring cleaning allows for early detection of any issues that may have developed during the colder months.

Early Fall: The early fall months, before the onset of harsh winter conditions, provide another window of opportunity for roof cleaning. With leaves beginning to fall and rain becoming more frequent, cleaning your roof during this time can help prevent clogged gutters and downspouts. Removing debris from the roof surface before winter helps ensure that snow and ice won't exacerbate the buildup, potentially leading to water damage or leaks.

autumn home overlooking water

Dry Season: Regardless of the time of year, selecting a period of dry weather is crucial for roof cleaning. Rain and damp conditions can hinder the effectiveness of cleaning solutions and increase the risk of accidents due to slippery surfaces. Planning your roof cleaning during a dry spell, preferably with a few days of clear weather ahead, can lead to more successful results and a safer working environment.

Avoiding Extreme Temperatures: It's essential to avoid cleaning your roof during extreme temperature conditions. Cleaning during very hot or freezing weather can impact the effectiveness of cleaning solutions and put additional stress on the roofing material. High temperatures can cause cleaning solutions to evaporate quickly while freezing temperatures can hinder the cleaning process and potentially damage the roof's surface. Avoid those sweltering summer days!

As you can see, spring and early fall offer favorable conditions for effective cleaning and preparation for changing weather. However, regardless of the season you choose, prioritizing dry weather and avoiding extreme temperatures are vital to achieving successful and safe roof cleaning results. If you're uncertain about the timing or process of roof cleaning, consulting with a professional roofing contractor can provide valuable guidance and ensure the best outcomes for your home's maintenance.

Image call to action, schedule residential roof maintenance

Is Your Roof Begging for a Cleaning?      


In the debate of DIY roof cleaning versus professional services, the decision boils down to your comfort level, expertise, and safety concerns. While DIY cleaning can be suitable for routine maintenance and minimal dirt accumulation, professional roof cleaning services offer a level of expertise, safety assurance, and thoroughness that may be difficult to achieve on your own.

Remember that the safety of yourself and your roof should always be a priority. If you're uncertain about the process, it's best to consult with a professional roofing contractor before making a decision. By assessing the condition of your roof, understanding the specific cleaning needs, and considering your own skills and limitations, you can make the right choice that ensures a clean, well-maintained, and visually appealing roof for your home.

Of course, we can't stress enough that it's crucial to not just find any old person who says they clean roofs, but an actual professional in their field. Not all roofers know what they're doing or have your best interest in mind. If you're feeling unsettled on a decision, do your research and take plenty of time! If you live in one of our service areas, help is just a ring away. When you're ready, visit our contact page to connect with one of our kind RoofCrafters representatives.

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Kevin Mills

My name is Kevin Mills, and I am the lead estimator for RoofCrafters’ Tampa division. I’m originally from Michigan, and I enjoy hunting, fishing, and spending any free time outdoors. What I’m most passionate about, though, is helping business owners and homeowners alike achieve their roofing goals, all while providing a seamless customer journey.