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How to Deter Roof Rats in Florida

February , 2024 | 6 min. read

By Macie LaCau

roof rat

Imagine this- you're getting ready for bed after a long day- sheets calling your name- and you hear a small, audible noise come from above you. Now, everyone knows that homes make noises, especially older ones. But something different. Is that little feet scurrying around?  If you've ever experienced this, you know where we're getting at. Roof rats! Though these little guys can seem cute and harmless, they make a major impact on your home if they find a way in. Florida is an ideal location for them to settle down and make families, and nothing feels cozier than a cool, dry roofing system to set up camp. 

If your roof has fallen victim to rats, listen up! RoofCrafters is here to guide you into getting rid of them once and for all. In our nearly 30 years in the roofing industry, we've seen it all- rats, squirrels, and even insects. We know that while it may not be easy, there is a way to deter them and prevent them from coming back. 

In this article, we'll dive into how to keep roof rats at bay, so you don't have to worry about them in the future. And if you currently have them, we'll help bring you a step closer to finding the right solution for your home. If you're ready to begin, so are we!

How Big of an Issue Are Roof Rats in Florida?


Roof rats can be a significant concern in Florida due to the warm and humid climate that provides an ideal environment for their habitation. These rats, also known as black rats, are agile climbers and often find their way into homes through trees, power lines, or roof edges. They are notorious for causing damage by gnawing on structures, wires, and even insulation. Roof rats are not only a nuisance but can pose health risks by carrying diseases and parasites.

roof rat

One of the main problems with roof rats in Florida is their ability to reproduce quickly. A single pair of roof rats can produce dozens of offspring in a year, leading to a rapid increase in their population if not addressed promptly. They are opportunistic feeders, scavenging for food in residential areas, and can contaminate stored food with their droppings, posing a risk to human health.


Florida homeowners often face challenges in controlling roof rat infestations. These rats are adept at finding entry points into homes, making it crucial for residents to seal any potential openings. Additionally, maintaining cleanliness around the property and proper storage of food can help deter roof rats from settling in residential areas.

south florida home

Given the potential health hazards and property damage associated with roof rats, it's essential for Florida residents to be vigilant in preventing and addressing infestations promptly. Seeking professional pest control services can be an effective way to manage and mitigate the impact of roof rats on homes and communities!

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Keeping Florida roof rats away requires a combination of preventive measures and proactive strategies. These sneaky little climbers can find their way into homes, posing potential health risks and causing damage. Here are some steps to help keep roof rats at bay:

1. Seal Entry Points:

  • Inspect your home for any gaps, cracks, or openings in the roof, walls, or foundation.
  • Seal openings using materials like wire mesh, caulk, or steel wool to prevent rats from entering.

2. Trim Overhanging Branches:

  • Trim tree branches that extend too close to your home, as roof rats often use them as pathways.

2 roofers looking at trees overgrowing on a brand-new shingle roof

3. Secure Food Sources:

  • Store food in airtight containers to prevent attracting rats with food smells.
  • Avoid leaving pet food outdoors overnight.

4. Maintain Cleanliness:

  • Keep your surroundings clean by eliminating clutter and debris that can provide hiding spots.
  • Regularly clean up fallen fruits, seeds, and other potential food sources in your yard.

5. Use Rat-Resistant Plants:

  • Choose plants that are less attractive to roof rats, such as mint, lavender, or rosemary.

6. Install Rat Guards:

  • Install rat guards or shields around utility lines and cables entering your home to prevent rats from climbing.

7. Proper Waste Management:

  • Ensure proper garbage disposal in sealed bins, as rats are attracted to food waste.

8. Set Traps:

  • Consider setting traps, such as snap traps or live traps, in areas where roof rats are known to frequent.

9. Seek Professional Help:

  • If you have a persistent roof rat problem, consult with professional pest control services for effective and safe solutions.

Roofer on top of a dormer on a 2-story home

By incorporating these measures into your home maintenance routine, you can reduce the likelihood of roof rat infestations and create an environment less appealing to these rodents. Regular inspections and prompt action are key to keeping your property rat-free in Florida.

Image call to action, schedule residential roof maintenance

Is Your Home Infested with Roof Rats? 


If so, not to worry! Though those scurrying critters can cause alarm in any homeowner, there are experts who can help you find solutions. Remember, if you find rodents in your roof, it's essential to take care of them immediately. They reproduce quickly, meaning a couple can easily turn into an extended family. Stay on the ball and ensure you're keeping a close eye on your roof if you live in an area prone to rats or if you think you hear the pitter patter of little feet. 

If you think it's time to talk to an expert, help is on the way! After you've experienced any type of roof damage, especially from animals, getting a professional opinion is critical. Take your time and do extensive research on who you'd like to choose. If you live in GA, SC, or FL, RoofCrafters is just a number dial away. To reach one of our friendly representatives, head over to our contact page. 

image call to action, schedule an inspection

Macie LaCau

I'm a native Georgian who spends my days nurturing my passions and embracing the quiet life. With a penchant for taking the road less traveled, I love discovering new ideas, rooting for the underdog, and taking the long way home. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, animals, and making memories.